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19 septembre 2010

Soirée /b/ + Necro + quelques autres douces

Soirée /b/ + Necro + quelques autres douces merdes d'internet

Tomber sur ce genre de truc, lire des débats d'internautes

This is how life must be for most lower-order animals. You wake up, get horrified by how weird the world is, get confused, meet a few more bugs, and then get eaten.


Skeleton jelly is the most simple structure of the mind. It knows that it exists and what it is, but it does not know anything else.

It meets the creature with the brain made of animals; it's awareness grows. It understands there is more than skeleton jelly. It questions what skeleton jelly is, but reaffirms its previous conclusions. If there is more to be than just skeleton jelly, and skeleton jelly is only skeleton jelly, then these different things must exist separate of skeleton jelly.

It meets a second creature. Its circumferential eyes and arms awareness and pervasiveness. This creature is a higher structure of the mind. By telling what must happen to skeleton jelly, the creature shows an understanding of right and wrong. The creature is the ethical centre of man's mind.

Skeleton Jelly knowledges he is to be eaten, but does not comprehend what that is.

The jelly in context. By hearing the ethics and taking in context, skeleton jelly is now capable of morality. Skeleton jelly understand's its guilt and communicates it with the rest of the mind. The final creature it encounters, the wall creature, is an even higher structure of the mind. It is blind until skeleton jelly relays it information. It is justice. Unlike the other structures of the mind, justice is able to perform actions. Once skeleton jelly provides the information it needs ("I am skeleton jelly" mixed with its new sense of morality) justice is obligated to devour skeleton jelly- the base (in all senses of the world) on man's mind.


Nono, the comic is clearly a description of the bewildering space between death and birth, as referenced in the Bardo Thodol, or Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Skeleton Jelly has recently died and is wandering in the Bardo, or intermediate state. His former life has dropped away, and without a body or brain, maintaining a separate ego is extremely difficult. All that remains is the imprint of self formed through fear of nothingness. As he wanders, he encounters reflections of his own mind, the histories of his countless lifetimes, now strange and alien to him.

He first encounters his lives in the animal realm, which symbolize ignorance and powerlessness. In so many lives he was at the mercy of circumstances, powerless to change his station and unable to comprehend it, ruled only by reaction, instinct, and terror.

Next, he encounters his lives in the human realm, whose many arms symbolize the accumulation of karma. In so many lives he worked and built meaninglessly, attempting to find meaning or to seek immortality through his impact on the world, or simply to reinforce his ego. All only to have his work destroyed by inevitable death and impermanence. This part remembers, and warns him, but Skeleton Jelly is still unformed and, having to maintain his sense of self, cannot heed the warnings.

Lastly, Desire compels him to drink from the well of Samsara. His Bardo self is annihilated, and he is pulled into the mouth of birth and death yet again.


I can't believe the number of, quite frankly, dim-witted responses. This comic is clearly a critique of Ayn Rand's objectivism. Skeleton Jelly questions himself only to reaffirm his identity as a self-interested being. The social elite (brains made up of many animals) is unable to communicate the situation to Skeleton Jelly, this is shown pictorially with tiny animals - literally "mumbo-fucking-jumbo".

The many armed creature (social safety net) also warns of the danger to no avail. Lastly Skeleton Jelly exhibits rational self-interest in taking water from the well, and is consumed by the collective unconscious.

REDdit, hang your collective heads in shame!


Et maintenant ?
